
Fungal Keratitis: A Call for Recognition as a Neglected Tropical Disease in Ophthalmology

Introduction: Credit: Iqbal Osman1 from singapore, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons As eye care professionals, ophthalmologists play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating a wide range of ocular conditions. Among these, fungal keratitis stands out as a severe and debilitating eye infection that demands our attention. This neglected tropical disease primarily affects

Fungal Keratitis

Fungal Keratitis: The Overlooked Ocular Menace Worthy of WHO Recognition

Introduction: When we hear of tropical diseases, our thoughts often turn to well-known illnesses like malaria or dengue fever. However, there is a hidden menace lurking in the shadows of the tropics that deserves greater attention – fungal keratitis. This debilitating eye infection can lead to severe vision loss if left untreated and predominantly affects

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